Unreal Engine 5 & Ready Player Me in Newroom Connect

Welcome to the future of online marketing

Experience enhanced realism, dynamic interactions, and custom avatars that revolutionize your customers' online experience.

Unreal Engine 5

Virtual world rethought

Improved realism:
Thanks to Unreal Engine 5, we can offer breathtakingly realistic textures and graphics that bring products and spaces in our virtual worlds to life. Experience immersive visualization like never before.

Dynamic lighting:
Our virtual spaces are given a new level of depth and realism with improved lighting and shadow effects with Unreal Engine 5. The result is an immersive and realistic experience for your customers.

Unreal Engine Logo
Ready Player Me Logo

Ready Player Me

Your personalized avatar

Custom avatars:
With Ready Player Me, you create personalized avatars that represent your brand or message. These avatars provide an interactive and unique experience in our virtual spaces.

Dynamic interaction:
Our avatars can move, communicate and interact to create an immersive experience. Whether at conferences, trade shows or showrooms, avatars bring the virtual world to life.

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Let's talk about your individual use case and work out the perfect solution for your business.

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Test newroom connect free of charge for 30 days and convince yourself of the many benefits to you and your business.

Contact Us

Can’t wait to get started, have questions or want an individual consultation?
Then we look forward to hearing from you!