E-learning Platform:
Effective knowledge transfer
for your business

Create an individual e-learning platform for your company with newroom connect. Profit from time & cost savings and train your employees effectively, independent of time & location.
E-Learning Plattform - Computer View

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What is a virtual fair?

Virtual e-learning describes the process of imparting knowledge in virtual environments with the inclusion of digital media and information carriers. Communicate your knowledge in an interactive and digital environment and train your employees and your customers with little effort. The main advantages of virtual e-learning are:
  • Location & time independence
  • Current content that is always updated
  • Consistent quality of the learning experience
  • Cost savings
  • Scalability
  • Sustainable learning at your own pace

Your individual e-learning platform

With newroom connect there are various possibilities to communicate knowledge and information interactively. In particular, the virtual environment makes it easy to share knowledge and product-related information.
Here are some use cases for an e-learning platform for your business:


When do I need an e-learning platform

Every company can benefit from the advantages of an e-learning platform. But especially for certain tasks or difficulties in knowledge transfer, such a platform makes particular sense. Here are some criteria to help you decide if you need a virtual e-learning platform:

Learning & teaching tasks

  • Knowledge transfer
  • Employee training
  • Convey connections
  • Know-How
  • Know-Why
  • Know-What

Cooperative tasks

  • Mutual exchange of knowledge
  • Simultaneous and delayed possible
  • Information always up to date
  • Location-independent collaboration

Documentary tasks

  • Storing information
  • Structured arrangement of information
  • Retrievable regardless of time and location
  • Link between objects and information

Where is virtual e-learning particularly suitable?

  • In areas with high relation to real products and tasks
  • Avoidance of training in hazardous environments
  • Avoidance of training in cost-intensive environments
  • Training in environments that do not yet exist
  • The virtual presentation takes an important role
  • Where fast and intuitively understandable knowledge transfer is desired

What kind of knowledge?

  • Procedure knowledge
  • Behavioral Knowledge
  • Structural knowledge
  • Spatial exploration
  • Procedural learning
  • Conceptual learning

Convince yourself!

Our virtual bike store allows you to experience the functions of newroom connect up close. Take a look around, click on content, and see for yourself the features and interactive buying process.

How does an e-learning platform work?

The implementation of an e-learning platform brings many advantages. But how does it work with newroom connect and what requirements have to be met? Here’s a simple 3-step roadmap you can use to incorporate newroom connect into your business:

Step 1

Conception and planning

A solid plan is the foundation of any successful project. This also applies to the implementation of a virtual e-learning platform for your company. It is essential to plan in advance what areas your platform should cover and what knowledge should be taught in those areas. Specifically, this means:

  • Are they learning videos with a process tracker, a video presentation, or just a PDF?
  • Does the information need to be linked to 3D models or a custom area?

If such questions overwhelm you or you want to hand over the conceptual design, our team will be happy to support you.

Step 2

Realization and implementation of e-learning

Now we come to the heart of the matter. Use the Area tool to create your learning & knowledge areas, such as lecture rooms, exploration rooms or product presentations. Fill your rooms with your knowledge using interactive widgets:
  • Integration of images, videos and livestreams
  • View and download PDF and other document formats
  • 3D models with triggers to link your knowledge with virtual copies of your product or machines
  • Create environments from real rooms or create new ones to simplify the learning process
  • With the process tracker widget your users can easily see their achievements

Step 3

Evaluation and security

Evaluate the success of your virtual e-learning platform with the integrated reporting tool. Analyze the progress of your users and their learning processes to constantly optimize them through continuous feedback. With the roles and rights manager you have the possibility to restrict access to certain areas. For example, you can enable access for an employee only after successful completion of an audit or grant access for a fee. Adjust these settings individually to your use case. newroom connect is a product “Made in Germany” and your entire project is encrypted in Germany. This protects your data from unauthorized access.

Essential features for virtual e-learning

newroom connect has a variety of features for all kinds of use cases, such as virtual showrooms, virtual trade fairs or even a virtual e-learning platform. The main features and widgets for your virtual knowledge platform are:

Process tracker

With the process tracker widget you can give your employees and users the possibility to track the current status of the learning unit.

Area Creator

With the Area Creator tool, you can customize your training & learning environment and subdivide it the way you like.

File attachments

Insert your information or educational videos in any format. Whether as a PDF, link, embedded video, iFrame or other file type.


Thanks to our reporting tools, you can measure and evaluate the success of your e-learning platform and monitor the progress of your employees.

Role & rights management

Decide which users and employees have access to the respective areas and, for example, enable access after a completed check.


Offer your training & learning content in up to 6 different languages and optimize the learning process of your employees and visitors.

The advantages of an e-learning platform

Reporting and analysis

With the reporting tools of newroom connect you keep track of how your e-learning platform is used and can optimize it continuously and data-based.

Learning Type Appropriate

An e-learning platform provides global access for your employees and team members. Thus, you increase your reach and can expand your target audience.

Multisensory interaction

With a 360° environment and the versatile widgets of newroom connect, you enable your visitors to interact in a realistic and interactive way.

Higher interactivity

Increase the interactivity of your employees and team members with customizable areas and unique widgets. This way, your learners always stay on the ball and make steady progress.

Location & time independent

An e-learning platform provides global access for your employees and team members. Thus, you increase your reach and can expand your target audience.

Higher learning progress

By customizing the learning content to your target audience, the learning progress of your employees and team members increases. Everyone can learn at their own pace and track the process.

E-Learning Software

Discover the future of e-learning

Our virtual trade fair software allows you to digitize your own trade fair. Your visitors can access your show from anywhere and your exhibitors can dynamically adjust their booths at any time. Experience all the benefits of virtual trade show software:

  • Advanced functions for virtual trade fair stands
  • Interactive product presentations and demos in real time
  • Chat function for direct communication with exhibitors and visitors
  • Virtual networking opportunities for valuable contacts
  • Individual scheduling and agenda management

E-learning platform costs

The cost of an e-learning platform depends on various factors. For example, on the required range of functions, as well as the custom implementation of external tools and external code. With newroom connect, we offer the right pricing model for every project:

Free Trial

Test newroom connect
Test 30 days free of charge
Free Trial features


For small to medium projects
one year commitment
129€ - monthly cancellation
Free Trial features plus
Most popular


For medium to large projects
one year commitment
499€ - monthly cancellation
Starter features plus


Ideal for any size
Upon request
Professional features plus


Frequently asked questions

Special areas can be created for different user groups, which contain individual content. Access to these areas can then be easily controlled and adjusted via the roles & rights management. This way, each employee or customer sees only the information they are supposed to see.

Yes, various key figures can be read and analyzed from the reporting tool provided. For example, what content was viewed, how often and for how long, etc. Specific KPI’s can be defined. There is also the possibility that provided certificates are sent after successful learning progress.

newroom connect grows with your needs and those of your company. We offer the right package for every size and can also create a custom quote for your specific application. Just contact our sales team.

You can easily use the provided reporting tool for this. There is also the possibility to use the process tracker widget to monitor the learning progress.

Yes. newroom connect is fully mobile usable and all information can be accessed via the mobile browser.

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Then we look forward to hearing from you!